To raise awareness on the importance of protecting our planet & the need for everyone within Al Irsyad -teachers, parents & school children to take action. We believe if teachers, parents & students work together and demonstrate school own conservation efforts to improve our environment, insyaAllah our young Irsyadians have a better chance of growing up to do the same.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Taklimat & Pelancaran Program BP mySience E-Zone 2010
Tarikh : 4 Jun 2010
Masa : 11:45 pagi
Tempat : Dewan SRI Al-Irsyad Balok
Sesi taklimat kepada para pelajar SRI Al-Irsyad Balok telah disampaikan oleh penyelaras program iaitu Cik Nor Zalina bt Abdul Latif sewaktu perhimpunan mingguan sekolah. Guru Besar SRI Al-Irsyad Balok, Pn. Norida bt Hj. Basri telah dijemput untuk menyempurnakan majlis perasmian program tersebut. Semoga misi Al-Irsyad Balok untuk mengulangi kejayaan tercapai dengan iringan doa semua warga Irsyadians...insyaAllah
Moh Pakat Tanam Pokok!!
Tarikh : 4 Jun 2010
Masa : 9:30 pagi sehingga selesai
Satu sesi gotong-royong telah diadakan bagi menanam pokok bunga jarum untuk dijadikan sebagai pagar di Raudhah As-Safwah. Aktiviti ini disertai oleh guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar banin. Hampir sebahagian taman sudah ditanam dengan pokok-pokok ini. Sebahagian kawasan lagi akan ditanam pada sesi gotong-royong yang akan datang oleh BP volunteers..insyaAllah.
Tahniah dan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada semua warga Irsyadians yang terlibat sama ada secara langsung mahu pun secara tidak langsung dalam menjayakan aktiviti gotong-royong ini. Semoga ianya diterima sebagai amalan soleh di sisi Allah S.W.T.
Go SRAIB Go SRAIB Goes GREEN!! hehhehe
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Penghantaran Pokok2 Pagar
Tarikh : 2 Jun 2010
Kerja2 penghantaran pokok2 bunga jarum untuk dijadikan sebagai pokok pagar di sepanjang laluan pejalan kaki di Raudhah As-Safwah telah dihantar oleh MNQ Enterprise. Pokok2 bunga jarum ini ditanam untuk mencantikkan kawasan persekitaran lanskap Raudhah As-Safwah selain daripada untuk mengelakkan para pelajar daripada memijak rumput lanskap.
Taklimat kepada guru2
Masa : 1:30 petang
Tempat : Bilik Taklimat
Agenda : Taklimat ringkas tentang program BP myScience E-Zone 2010 kepada guru2 SRI Al-Irsyad Balok dan juga gerak kerja sepanjang tempoh program berlangsung.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Gotong-royong @Raudhah Ar-Raihan
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Taklimat Program @BPCM
Tarikh : 27 Mei 2010 (Khamis)
Tempat : BPCM, Gebeng
Satu taklimat ringkas telah diadakan bagi membincangkan perjalanan program BP myScience E-Zone 2010. Pihak sekolah diwakili oleh Cik Nor Zalina bt Abdul Latif dan Cik Nor Aini bt Mustafar selaku penyelaras bersama untuk program tersebut. Di akhir taklimat diadakan sesi bergambar antara guru2 dari sekolah daerah Kuantan bersama penganjur program.
Friday, May 21, 2010
sumbangan pokok
Monday, May 17, 2010
penyelenggaraan taman2
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
2010....Our 1st Activity - Recycle Paper
Our Seed Money Tabled Out....
Practise practise and practise ...makes Perfect InsyaAllah!
Students team has been practising for this coming presentation @ Kuala Selangor.
InsyaAllah we will try our very best and may Allah grants us with success and victory.
Presenting SRAIB's own Paper Cards from Recycled Papers
Event date: 19th - 28th October 2009
For this initial project, about 1.1 kg recycled papers/newspapers were used to produce new paper cards.
The used papers were first soaked and blended. Then the blended paste was pressed thinly onto round trays before going for sun-drying process. The trays were dried few days under sun depending on weather. After completely dried, the dried paper paste was then removed slowly from each tray....and walla! we got new paper cards to be used as writing materials.
Purpose of this activity ;
1. To make students see the value of recycle material when they are produced into another form .
2. To encourage recycling habit among students
3. To make them aware that some throw away materials can be reused to create other product
4. To use these free paper cards on our school notice board
BP MyScience Site Judging @ SRAIB
Our heartiest thanks to Mr. Zukifli Othman from BP KL for coming all the way from KL to conduct site judging for our school... The session started off with slide presentation from SRAIB MyScience in-charge teachers, detailing on what are the school's activities done so far for MyScience project and how BP seed money was used to benefit the school's Myscience project.
The session ended with touring around school, showing BP My Science ongoing activities at SRAIB .
Sorry no pixs as we were too engrossed discussing with Mr Zulkifli on our school activities till we forgot to take any pixs on this event...
Al-Irsyad's BP MyScience Mission Revisited....
Below is the mission we have put up at this website, under cause info section from the start of this project. But somehow it did not get displayed.
So at the close of this project, we would like to remind ourselves again on our mission. The project may ends here but we believe our mission to protect environment should not end here, it should be a continuing effort for all irsyadians...InsyaAllah!
"To raise awareness on the importance of protecting our planet & the need for everyone within Al Irsyad -teachers, parents &school children to take action. We believe if teachers, parents & students can work together and demonstrate school own conservation efforts to improve our environment, insyaAllah our young Irsyadians have a better chance of growing up to do the same..."
Alhamdullilah, syukur to Allah for given us the courage and effort to complete whatever we set to do from beginning ..
Our heartiest gratitute to all - Al-Irsyad's Teachers, Students , Parents , BP volunteers and others who had contributed their efforts one way or another , making these BPMyScience activities possible.. JazakaAllah.
Our thanks to BP for giving us a chance to participate in this year BP My Science project. We really appreciate the exposure you gave us!....
BP myScience related Info Posters
Here are some of the BP MyScience info or posters which have been posted around school compound since the start of this project, to remind/update irsyadians on the on going BP myScience activities ...
Survey Result - Follow up fr 'Reduce Plastic Bag Usage' Campaign
Based from the above table, the
plastic bag usage trend among Irsyadians is seen to be decreased day by day. Good Job , keep it up..!!
width=551 height=27 src="new_page_1_files/image001.gif"
alt=""Kick The Habit - Reduce The Use of Plastic Bags"" v:shapes="_x0000_s1037">
Carbon Calculator - Electricity & Water Consumption
Electricity Consumption Between Year 2008
and 2009
Water Consumption Between Year 2008 and 2009