Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Al-Irsyad's BP MyScience Mission Revisited....

Below is the mission we have put up at this website, under cause info section from the start of this project. But somehow it did not get displayed.

So at the close of this project, we would like to remind ourselves again on our mission. The project may ends here but we believe our mission to protect environment should not end here, it should be a continuing effort for all irsyadians...InsyaAllah!

"To raise awareness on the importance of protecting our planet & the need for everyone within Al Irsyad -teachers, parents &school children to take action. We believe if teachers, parents & students can work together and demonstrate school own conservation efforts to improve our environment, insyaAllah our young Irsyadians have a better chance of growing up to do the same..."

Alhamdullilah, syukur to Allah for given us the courage and effort to complete whatever we set to do from beginning ..

Our heartiest gratitute to all - Al-Irsyad's Teachers, Students , Parents , BP volunteers and others who had contributed their efforts one way or another , making these BPMyScience activities possible.. JazakaAllah.

Our thanks to BP for giving us a chance to participate in this year BP My Science project. We really appreciate the exposure you gave us!....

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